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Year : 2018, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 87) Last page : ( 96)
Print ISSN : 2322-0414. Online ISSN : 2322-0422. Published online : 2018  1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2322-0422.2018.00017.6

Evaluation of Benefits and Barriers of Electronic Health Records [EHR] with Their Solutions: a Study in Multispeciality Hospitals

Ramya Avala Tarani1,,*, Khatheeja Sheik1, Das Malladi Narayana1, Sanaboyina Alekhya2

1Pharm-D Student, GIET School of Pharmacy, Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh, India

2Assistant Professor, GIET School of Pharmacy, Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author email id: taraniramya29@gmail.com


Background: In India, patients visit a number of hospitals generating a lot of paper-based records, which are gradually lost with time. Because of this loss of health records, proper monitoring of health care in India is almost unendurable. Proper monitoring of ADR and prevention of antibiotic resistance cannot be efficiently fulfilled. So, in order to fulfil the health needs of Indian citizens, an integrated health care system like EHR is necessary. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire study on barriers and benefits of EHR with their solutions was performed in five multispeciality hospitals in Rajamahendravaram city of Andhra Pradesh. A total of 102 individuals were involved in study. Results: Benefits of EHR were evaluated, in which individuals felt it beneficial for effective treatment during emergency conditions. Rating of EHR-related barriers showed individual barrier and financial barrier as major barriers in implementing EHR. The individual barrier, which consists of lack of belief in EHR, was the main barrier faced; rating the solutions for individual barriers and implementing a backup plan in the system will be helpful to regain lost data. Discussion: Based on participants’ perspective, it was considered that the lack of knowledge and experience with using computers was the main barrier of all. This could mean that hospitals have low knowledge of using EHR systems. Conclusion: We should be aware that successful EHR system implementation consists of more than just implementing a single system. Overcoming current and potential difficulties to these implementations, which are significant factors, is needed for implementation to succeed.



Electronic health records (EHR), Barriers, Benefits, Indian healthcare, Better healthcare, Prevent antibiotic resistance, Indian senario .


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