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Agricultural Engineering Today
Year : 2014, Volume : 38, Issue : 3
First page : ( 5) Last page : ( 9)
Print ISSN : 0970-2962. Online ISSN : 2230-7265.

Comparative Performance of Different Rice Establishment Methods for Sustainable Rice Production in Deogarh District of Odisha

Mohanty D K1,*, Barik K C2, Behera D3

1KVK, Mayurbhanj, Shamakhunta, Odisha

2KVK, Deogarh, At/Po – Purunagarh, Dist – Deogarh – 768119

3CAET, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

*E-mail – dmohanty11@yahoo.com

Online published on 25 December, 2014.


An experiment was conducted during the Rabi season of 2010–11 at farmer's field to evaluate the yield and economics of different rice establishment methods for sustainable rice production in Deogarh district of Odisha. The experiment was carried out in RBD with six methods of planting viz. manual transplanting, line transplanting, sowing sprouted seed by pre-germinated paddy seeder, machine transplanting by self propelled rice transplanter, transplanting by System of Rice Intensification (SRI), sowing sprouted seed by SRI marker with four numbers of blocks or replication. Overall performance of different rice establishment methods studied indicated that machine transplanting and SRI recorded higher benefit: cost ratios of 1.95 and 1.80 respectively and the lowest Benefit: cost ratio was recorded by manual transplanting (1.33). SRI method recorded maximum gross return (Rs. 54,800/ha) and net return (Rs. 24,400/ha) followed by transplanting by self propelled rice transplanter (Rs. 49,800/ha and Rs. 24,250/ha). Lowest gross return (Rs. 39,500/ha) was registered in pre-germinated paddy seeder and lowest net return (Rs. 9, 950/ha) was observed in manual transplanting.



Rice transplanter, Pre-germinated paddy seeder, SRI, Sprouted, Grain yield.


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