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Agricultural Economics Researh Review
Year : 2008, Volume : 21, Issue : 2
First page : ( 145) Last page : ( 172)
Print ISSN : 0971-3441.

Agricultural Growth Accounting and Total Factor Productivity in South Asia: A Review and Policy Implications

Kumar Praduman1,*Former Professor, Mittal Surabhi2,**Senior Fellow, Hossain Mahabub3Executive Director

1Division of Agricultural Economics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi - 110 012.

2Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003.

3Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Author for correspondence: * E-mail: pkumariari@rediffmail.com

** E-mail: surabhi@icrier.res.in


Productivity growth in agriculture is essential for the development of the sector. This paper has reviewed the developments in agricultural productivity related to the South Asian countries, namely Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The TFP growth and its contribution in production growth have been summarised for South Asia over the past three decades. Crop-specific TFP growth figures have been updated for India by using more recent micro farm level data for three decades. A discussion and synthesis on changes in TFP and its sources of growth for the major crops, major crop systems, crops and livestock sectors for the countries of South Asia have also been presented. Methodological framework for computation of TFP and its growth has also been presented. Policies towards food-secure South Asia have been outlined under the sub-heads (i) Arresting deceleration in total factor productivity, (ii) Enhancing yield of major commodities, (iii) Accent on empowering the small farmers, (iv) Environment protection, and (v) Strenghtening of national agricultural research system. This paper would provide useful information to the people intrested in doing research on these issues. Some of the concerns raised in this paper on productivity would provide direction for future research in this area.


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