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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 606) Last page : ( 618)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7137.2022.00333.0

Method of changing the parameters of the plowing device lemex

Olim Alimnazarov1, Alisher Abduxoliqov2, Yigitali Shamayev3

1Head Teacher, Termez Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan, Email id: olimbekalimnazarov12@gmail.com

2Assistant, Termez Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan

3Assistant, Termez Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan

Online Published on 23 May, 2022.


In agriculture, it is necessary to improve its quality by processing the soil and improving the soil fertility of the land plots intended for cultivation, since any agricultural machine is used to increase the soil fertility of the land plots allocated for the cultivation of a particular product. Our experiments were carried out on the territory of the Jarkurgan District of the Surkhandarya region for the cultivation of one type of product. For cultivation of potato crop, the experiment was carried out on the ground field “Romana” potato variety was selected. Based on our experiments, we used two types of Lemex for plowing devices, namely the current lemex and the lemex, which are recommended for the experiment in the process of soil tillage, and analyzed the efficiency of soil tillage.



Lemex, Land Area, Potato, Plowing Device, Mathematical Analysis.


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