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Advances in Applied Research
Year : 2014, Volume : 6, Issue : 2
First page : ( 158) Last page : ( 162)
Print ISSN : 0974-3839. Online ISSN : 2349-2104.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-2104.2014.00008.4

Heterosis and combining ability for fruit yield and its component traits in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir.)

Nisha S.K.*, Veeraragavathatham D.

Department of Olericulture, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, Tamilnadu, India

*Corresponding author: Email: nishask2@gmail.com

Online published on 18 December, 2014.


Combining ability and magnitude of heterosis were studied for eight characters in 5 × 5 full diallel cross of pumpkin. Combining ability analysis revealed that both general and specific combining ability variances were significant for all the characters except first female flowering node. Predominance of additive gene action was noted for all characters except first female flowering node and 100 seed weight whereas non-additive gene action was predominant. The parent P2 was the best general combiner for vine length, fruit weight, flesh thickness and yield. The crosses P3 × P1, P3 × P2, P4 × P3 and P5 × P3 were observed to be promising combinations for earliness and other desirable characters including yield per plant. The selection could be made for improvement of traits like vine length, days to first female flowering, fruit weight, flesh thickness, number of fruits per plant and yield per plant. While first female flowering node and 100 seed weight may be improved through hybridization



Heterosis, combining ability, diallel, hybridization, pumpkin.


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