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Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition
Year : 2009, Volume : 26, Issue : 4
First page : ( 345) Last page : ( 348)
Print ISSN : 0970-3209. Online ISSN : 2231-6744.

Azolla(Azolla pinnata) as Feed Supplement in Buffalo Calves on Growth Performance

Indira D.1, Rao K. Sarjan, Suresh J., Naidu K. Venugopal, Ravi A.

Department of Livestock Production and ManagementCollege of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary UniversityTirupati – 517 502 (A.P.) India

1Principal I/c A.H. polytechnic Venkatramannagudem, West Godavari-534101, Andhra Pradesh Mobile no: 09866720504 E mail: indiradandolu@yahoo.co.in


Twelve male buffalo calves were divided in two groups. Control group was fed on hybrid napier, paddy straw and concentrate mixture as per their requirements. In second group 50% of GNC nitrogen of control diet was replaced by azolla nitrogen. The average daily gain, average dry matter intake, average feed conversion efficiency and average feed cost Rs./kg body weight gain for two groups was 240 and 294 g, 3.21 and 2.91 kg/100 kg body weight, 13.24 and 10.07% and Rs.17.87 and Rs.13.58, respectively. Higher average daily gain was recorded in experimental group. Feed conversion efficiency was significantly (P<0.01) superior in experimental diet. The cost of feed per kg body weight gain was significantly (P<0.01) higher in control than in experimental group. The results also suggested that fresh Azolla meal is a potential unconventional protein source for buffalo calves. The study was also conducted to optimise the environmental conditions required for culturing ofAzolla pinnatain 24 pits (2×2×0.2 m) using different manures (cattle, sheep, poultry and pig manure) in 4×3 factorial design. The optimum environmental conditions were in the range of temperature 28.94 – 33.46°C, light intensity 1413.29 – 1561.57 lux and relative humidity 47.28 – 64.85 (%) respectively, which favoured the vegetative mass yield of 3.73 kg and dry matter yield of 172 g per pit per week. Cattle, sheep, poultry manures were comparable and superior then pig manure. The vegetative mass yield (kg) was significantly (P<0.01) lower in Azolla pits using pig manure when compared with other treatments.


Key words

Azolla, Optimum conditions of culturing Azolla, Buffalo calves, Growth performance.


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