Evaluation of Legume Hay Based Complete Rations in Sheep Murthy U.G. Krishna, Prasad J. Rama Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati-517 502 (India) Abstract Four isonitrogenous complete rations were formulated with Stylosanthus hemata, Dolichos biflorus, Vigna sinensis and Crotalaria juncea hays each at 70 per cent level in complete rations (CR, 1–4). They were evaluated using 6 Iambs for each diet. Significantly, higher (P< 0.01) ADG was observed with horse gram hay. Daily DM intake (g/d or g/d/W kg 0.75) was higher (P< 0.05) with diets containing Stylosanthus as well as cowpea hay, where as higher feed efficiency was observed with ration containing horse gram hay compared to others. Higher digestibility coeficients of CP and EE and higher (P< 0.05) N retention (g/d) were observed with diet containing horse gram hay. It can be concluded that horse gram hay can be included at 70 per cent level in complete rations of sheep (14-20kg) growing at the rate of 80g/d. Top Keywords Legume hays, complete rations, sheep. Top | |
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