Chemical Composition and In Sacco Dm Degradability of some Common Weeds Naik P.K., Sengar S.S. Animal Nutrition Division, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (UP) 243 122, India Online published on 29 December, 2011. Abstract Twelve common weeds, collected from the agricultural farm of the Institute, were subjected to chemical analysis and DM degradability. The CP content of Chulai, Bathua and Akra were higher than some good quality fodders while some weeds viz. Gajara, Jangli Gobhi, Krishn Nil and Banchari contained more EE than some good quality green fodders. Maximum DM degradability (82.50±1.24) was found in Bathua and minimum (46.70±1.88) in Doob grass at 24 h of incubation and variation was significant (P<0.01). Top | |
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