Protein Requirements of Lactating Buffaloes Fed Ration Containing Processed Mahua Seed Cake Tiwari D.P.*, Associate Professor, Patle B.R. College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Jabalpur, 482001, India *Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anjora, Durg-491001 (M.P.) Online published on 29 December, 2011. Abstract An experiment was conducted to assess the protein requirements and nutrient utilization In fifteen lactating Murrah buffaloes, divided into five groups of three each. Processed mahua seed cake (PMSC) was incorporated in concentrate mixture to replace groundnut cake (GNC) nitrogen at 0,25, 50,75 and 100 per cent levels and fed with wheat straw to five respective groups. DM, CP and TDN intakes and digestibilities of DM, CF, and NFE did not differ significantly amongst different groups. The milk, SCM, fat and SNF yields and fat, lactose, ash and total solids per cent and gross energy values of milk did notdsffer significantly amongst various groups. CP requirement for maintenance of milch buffaloes was 5.83 g/W0.75 kg/day. The CP required for production of one kg SCM and for one kg body weight gain was 102.2 and 390 g, respectively. It was conclusded that higher allowances of CP have to be provided to lactating buffaloes fed on unconventional feeds than the recommended values in feeding standards. Top |