Incorporation of Dried Apple Pomace in the Diet of Weaner Rabbits Sawal R. K., Bhatia D.R., Bhasin V. North Temperate Regional Station Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Garsa-175 141, India Online published on 29 December, 2011. Abstract Twenty four Soviet Chinchilla weaner males (42d, 543±20g), divided into four groups, were fed complete feeds containing 0, 10, 20 and 30% dried Apple pomace (AP) for 42d. Palatability, intake of organic nutrients and digestibilities of EE and NFE were not affected. Digestibility of CP and OM decreased above 10% level but that of CF improved (P<0.01) up to 20% AP level. Retention of N as per cent of intake improved (P<0.01) up to 10% AP but declined at higher levels, Though inclusion of AP did not affect intake, growth and Feed: Gain upto 30%, but deleterious affects on feed protein utilization were observed. Optimum level of AP, on the basis of regression equation, was estimated as 11.3% in rabbit diet. Top | |
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