Transgene Fragments in the Blood and Tissue of Chicken Fed with Genetically Modified Soy and Maize Hanusova L., Rehout V., Citek J.* Department of Genetics and Animal, Breeding South Bohemia University, CZ37005, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic * Reprint request: J. Citek,
Abstract The aim was to evaluate the transfer of DNA fragments into the blood, kidney and liver of broilers fed with diet containing the genetically modified (GM) Roundup Ready soybean GTS40-3-2, and the genetically modified Bt maize MON 810. Unsexed broilers ROSS 308 were used, animals were fed by diet with the same nutritional composition and components, except of GM soybean and maize. The diet for the first experimental group contained GM soybean, for the second group GM maize corn, for the third both GM soy and maize, and for the control GM-free soybean and maize. The experiments was done on day old chicks upto the 42nd day of life. Control genes and transgene fragments were amplified by PCR. Fragments of control soy lectin gene were detected in 7 blood samples out of 118, and in 18 liver samples out of 20. Fragments of control maize HMG gene was present in 5 blood samples out of 118, liver and kidney were negative. The control gene positive samples were from all three experimental groups, the control group was negative. Transgene fragments of Roundup Ready soybean were found in 11 blood samples out of 118, and in 3 liver samples out of 20 in the experimental group fed with GM soybean, kidney was negative. For maize transgene, 19 blood samples out of 118 were positive, allways in the experimental group fed with GM maize, liver and kidney were negative. Nutritional safety was not compromised by the analysis, as only the fragments were looked for, not whole genes. Top Keywords Chicken, Transgene DNA, Roundup Ready soya, Bt maize. Top |