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International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 29) Last page : ( 34)
Print ISSN : 2347–8632. Online ISSN : 2454–2652.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454–2652.2016.00008.1

Impact of Yoga and Raw Diet on Sleep Quality, Glycemic Level and Anthropometric Measurement of Prediabetic Patients.

Sr. Anto Tresa1, Dr. Kumar Rajeev N.2

1Vice Principal, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing. Jubilee Gardens, Kachery, Thrissure-5, Kerala

2Associate Professor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala

*Corresponding Author's Email: srtresaanto@gmail.com

Online published on 23 May, 2016.



Metabolic diseases are increasing day by day. Our present day life style and prioritization of daily activities contributes to the alarming rise in the occurrence of life style disease. our society is moving very fast with jug food and tight day and night schedule without any mental and physical recreational activities. Our professional field and family setup restrict people from getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a very common problem faced by all whether they are young or old in today's society. All need some sort of physical and mental relaxation. There is a need to study the Impact of yoga and raw diet on sleep quality, glycemic level and Anthropometric measurement of Prediabetic Patients.


A experimental study with pretest post test control group design using random sampling technique. Impact of raw diet and yoga on sleep quality glycemic level and Anthropometric measurement of Prediabetic patients were assessed using self administered questionnaire to a total of 60 Prediabetic patients between 30–60 years from medical and endocrinology OPD, s of a private medical college Thrissur. Socio demographic values were collected to assess the risk factors for diabetes. Their blood sugar levels, were noted from the case sheets and body weight, Height, Abdominal Girth and BMI were measured by the investigator. The same measures were noted at subsequent follow ups of the camp (1st day, after 40days). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI)questionnaire was used to assess the sleep quality.


Shows the distribution of samples according to socio demographic variables. 22 (36%)of participants belongs to the age group between 51–60 years and 100% of them are females. 59 (98.34%)them are professionals and 54 (90%)of them are staying in rural area. 34 (56.66%)belong to nuclear family. 40(66.66%)have family history of diabetes. 18(30.0%)of the sample had an FBS level above 120mg/dl. 08(13.3%) them are having overweight. The present study shows that glycemic level, Anthropometric measurements, sleep quality, sleep duration, sleep disturbance, day time dysfunction and total sleep score were improved after yoga and raw diet therapy.


The findings of the study highlight that glycemic level, Anthropometric measurements, sleep quality, sleep duration, sleep disturbance, day time dysfunction and total sleep score were improved after yoga and raw diet therapy in prediabetic patients. present study findings are consistent with previous study findings and suggest that alternative methods would be useful in improving sleep quality in Prediabetic patients. modification of life style is the need of the hour, and therefore yoga and raw diet may be an important modifiable factor for the clinical management of patients with prediabetes.



Yoga, raw diet, sleep quality, body mass index, Fasting blood sugar, Prediabetic patients.


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