Influence of puddling intensity and organic amendments on performance of rice under system of rice intensification and conventional transplanting Sharma Yeena Division of Soil Science & Agricultural, Chemistry SKUAST-J, Main Campus, Jammu-180009 Abstract The effect of puddling intensities and organic amendments was assessed on performance of rice under SRI (system of rice intensification) and conventional transplanting method at SKUAST- Jammu, India for three Kharif and two intervening Rabi seasons beginning with Kharif 2006. Soil is clay loam in texture and of recent alluvial origin. Long term (32-years) mean annual rainfall is 1236mm and mean seasonal rainfall of Kharif and Rabi are 82 7 and 288mm respectively. The treatment combination of methods of rice establishment and organic amendments exerted a significant influence on the rice grain yield during both the first two seasons of Kharif 2006 & 2007. However, the same was not visible during the third year. This may be attributed to two factors namely, the successive acquisition of proper skills of transplanting very young seedlings, with time, in SRI method and successive additions of organic sources of nutrition to rice and organic residues of wheat left over for the succeeding rice crop. However, the highest mean rice grain yield was recorded in all the three seasons in C1 plots (conventional transplanting without organic source of nutrition). During first two seasons, SRI method yielded significantly less grain than the conventional method. Different puddling intensities did not exert any significant influence on rice grain yield, in all the three seasons; nor was there any interactive effect (Pix S/C) of treatments on rice grain yield. It is seen that there was neither any residual effect of puddling intensities, nor of methods of rice establishment nor of organic additions to soil during rice crop on the grain yield of succeeding wheat crop during both the years. Top Keywords System of Rice Intensification, Puddling intensity, organic amendments, rice grain yield and wheat. Top | |
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