Journal's Policy
To publish and promote dissemination of work done by Psychologists (Research Scholars,
Professors, Lecturers, and Students) and scholars from other disciplines related to Psychology.
Journal's Objectives
I. To ensure that a Psychologist working in any corner of the country significantly contributing to
the discipline gets an opportunity to contribute his or her work for which he or she deserves merit
in terms of significant contribution for the benefit of the masses which includes:
Ÿ Development of replicable service models.
Ÿ Significant contribution to the area of training and manpower development related to any
desired area of psychology, development of assessment tools with its wider or nationwide
Ÿ Development of therapeutic or early intervention models beneficial for the masses.
Ÿ Work conducted addressing social issues i.e. Drug Abuse and Alcoholism, Suicide, Child Abuse
Crimes, Sexuality, Crime Against Women, Road Rage and Accidents, Honor Killing, Media and
Psychology, Terrorism, Riots, National Disasters, Disaster Management and Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder and all other such issues (If by any omission, they are not included here, these
will be addressed in this journal).
II. To facilitate availability of the journal to the researchers or authors who are devoted or involved
in a specific work area or topic of psychology and looking for an opportunity to disseminate their
work in a Journal for an early and timely publication of their work.
Psychology in India
Publisher: Prasad Psycho Corporation
p-ISSN: 2319-796X
Issues/Year: 2
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Published in: June, December
Current Volume
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