Management is necessary for the successful running of organizations, irrespective of the type, form, size, and nature. The nature and complexity of management varies from organization to organization. Management is growing as a discipline by borrowing principles, concepts, and constructs from several other disciplines. It is also growing by accepting / adopting well accepted and time tested practices. The problems and prospects in business and industry give rise to a lot of exploratory, empirical and applied research in the areas related to management. A growing discipline like Management requires fast and firm medium for dissemination of knowledge generated from and out of research and practice. A journal is one such print medium which ensures the spread of knowledge on a sustainable and long lasting basis. Having recognized this need, the Management of Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET), Hyderabad, has aptly decided to start a Management journal. Their belief in the concept, "management today is necessary for a better tomorrow", has resulted in naming the journal as "Management Today" with a tagline "for a better tomorrow". Management Today is an international journal of management studies. It provides academicians, researchers, and managers a common platform to come together to exchange practical experiences, research findings, and innovative ideas in the area of management. It aims at creating a fund of knowledge in the area of management by collecting, publishing and preserving quality research articles. Management Today (An International Journal of Management Studies) is a peer reviewed open access journal published once in three months, both in print (ISSN: 2230-9764) and online (ISSN: 2348-3989). All the papers are indexed by CrossRef, International Society Indexing (ISI) and International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF) to facilitate easy reference. Impact Factor of the Journal, as calculated by ISI for 2016 is 1.532. The Journal does not charge any money for publication. The Journal has been included by University Grants Commission, New Delhi, in the list of the Journals approved for calculation of Academic Performance Indicator (API).
Management Today
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute Of Engineering And Technology
p-ISSN: 2230-9764
e-ISSN: 2348-3989
Journal DOI: 10.11127/gmt.2013
Issues/Year: 4
Frequency: Quarterly
Published in: January, April, July, October
Current Volume
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