November 2004 - The AIMS Department of Analytical Toxicology has initiated the creation of the Indian Society of Toxicology, registered under the Travancore-Kochi Literacy, Scientific & Charitable Societies. The aim of the society is to encourage the study, improve the practice, elevate the standard, and advance the cause of Toxicology. In January 2005, the society has released the inaugural issue of its journal, The "Journal of the Indian Society of Toxicology". It is a high caliber peer reviewed journal dedicated to toxicology. Articles will be accepted for publication only from members of IST (article submission guidelines). Founder: Dr. V.V. PILLAY Editor-in-chief: Dr. Anand B. Mugadlimath Editor: Dr. Mandar R. Sane. The JIST is Indexed/abstracted/listed with: MEDLINE/Index Medicus [through the World Health Organisation (WHO) for SEAR countries]. National Library of Medicine, (NIH, U.S.), Locator plus global ID:101321567. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). PUBLONS© (Web of Science Group). Bonafide member of Crossref and DOI©. University grant Commission (UGC), India Sl. No. 1107190159C799666D827.
Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology
Publication's web-site
Publisher: The Indian Society Of Toxicology
p-ISSN: 0973-3558
e-ISSN: 0973-3566
Journal DOI: 10.31736/jist/v14.i1
Issues/Year: 2
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Published in: June, December
Current Volume
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