JCPR is an exclusive journal which brings out the manuscripts based on New World and Old World camelids. This journal provided a very good platform to publish camelid literature with a view to find the missing links of research and to update the camelids practitioners and researchers with latest research.

Indexed and Abstracted with NAAS Scoring 2024: 5, SCOPUS, Indian Citation Index, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCo Discovery.

News and Events

News (December 2022 Journal of Camel Practice and Research)

Janvry, Second Festival of Camelids in France

The festival of camelids is a public event organised for the second time in a small village of Essonne (France) gathering all the actors of the camelid (small and large) sector, not only in France, but also in Europe (Spain, Italy, Austria, Belgium), in USA and some “camel countries” as Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Chad, Niger, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and others…. The festival included conferences, camel show, degustation and selling of camelid products (pasteurised and powder milk, kefir, cheese, sweet, cosmetic, wool). In addition, many exchanges occurred between large public and camel farmers, veterinarians, and camel scientists involved in different European projects as CAMELMILK or CAMELSHIELD. Among the conferences, 3 were particularly focused on generic research with different topics as “Is the camel conquering the world?” (B. Faye, France), “The secrets of the camel genetic” (E. Ciani, Italy), “Truth and legends on camel milk” (G. Konuspayeva, Kazakhstan). Several thousand visitors came on the festival which had an important mediatic covering.

Godwar Camel Cheese Fest Held in Sadri, India

Camel Charisma and LPPS (Lokhi Pashu Palak Sansthan) jointly organised the Godwar Camel Cheese Fest from 23-24 November 2022 at the site of the Kumhalgarh Camel Dairy near Ranakpur-Sadri. This was aimed to showcase the culinary potential and diversity of camel dairy products. It included meeting of camel breeders from all over Rajasthan to understand and discuss their prespective. Second day included a visit to the nomadic herd to have a taste of fresh camel milk in oak leaf and to enjoy the camel milk tea brewed over the fire. Later in day, camel cheese tasting was planned. The concept of a cruelty free dairy was also planned to discuss. The event was organised by the Hanwant Singh Rathore and Dr. Ilse. (www.camelcharisma.com).

Lead Speaker in The Conference of Saudi Veterinary Medicine Society

Dr T.K. Gahlot Editor JCPR was Invited as a keynote speaker in the conference of Saudi Veteri

Journal of Camel Practice and Research
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Camel Publishing House
p-ISSN: 0971-6777
e-ISSN: 2277-8934
Journal DOI: 10.5958/2277-8934.2014
Issues/Year: 3
Frequency: Thrice a year
Published in: April, August, December
Current Volume
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