This journal aims to provide a snapshot of the latest research and advances in the field of biofuels. The journal addresses what is new, significant and practicable. Journal of Biofuels is published twice a year (January-June and July-December) by IndianJournals.Com, New Delhi. The Journal has both print and online versions. Being peer-reviewed, the journal publishes original research reports, review papers and communications screened by national and international researchers who are experts in their respective fields. The original manuscripts that enhance the level of research and contribute new developments to the biofuel sector are encouraged. The work belonging to the fields of biosciences, biotechnology, chemical engineering, biofuel production, quality assurance & standards, automation and other related areas are invited. The journal is expected to help researchers, technologist and policy makers in the key sector of biofuels to enhance their understanding of it. The manuscripts must be unpublished and should not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. There are no Publication Charges.

Indexed/Abstracted - NAAS Rating for 2024 - 3.96, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, J-Gate, Agricola, EBSCO Discovery, Indian Citation Index, Index Copernicus International(2016, ICV - 77.52), InfoBase Index, Indian Science Abstract, Indian Science, Cite Factor, ISRA-JIF, I2OR, ESJI, Scholar Steer and IIJIF.
Journal of Biofuels
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Diva Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
p-ISSN: 0976-3015
e-ISSN: 0976-4763
Journal DOI: 10.5958/0976-4763.2019
Issues/Year: 2
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Published in: June, December
Current Volume
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