A scientific commitment towards crop improvement and production through scientific application of basic and strategic research such as hybridization, marker-assisted selection, double haploidy, RNAi, exploitation of male sterility etc. can revolutionize crop productivity. However, parallel improvement in input-use efficiency, especially water-and nutrient-use efficiency, a better understanding on the role of micronutrient in enhancing quality of nutrition coupled with scientific understanding of ecological parameters leading to pest and diseases management will enhance production and productivity. None of the above is possible unless we assure disease-free seed and quality planting material and technology at farmers’ doorstep. Fortunately, India is blessed with one of the largest human resources for basic, strategic and applied research. But this knowledge has to be captured, documented, streamlined and managed. I am confident that publication of the Current Horticulture would fulfil the current gap in scientific knowledge of basic and strategic research.

Indexed/Abstracted with - Indian Citation Index(RII-0.386), Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences(NAAS) rating 2024 - 4.62
Current Horticulture
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Society For Horticulture Research And Development
p-ISSN: 2347-7377
e-ISSN: 2455-7560
Journal DOI: 10.5958/2455-7560.2022
Issues/Year: 3
Frequency: Thrice a year
Published in: April, August, December
Current Volume
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