BULMIM Journal of Management and Research is a double peer blind review bi-annual publication. It provides a forum for researchers and professionals worldwide by encouraging publication of research paper/ articles/ case studies/ book reviews with emphasis on various management issues. The journal also seeks to strike a balance between theoretical paradigms and business practices by focusing on current and future trends in the area of management. The journal is now being co-published by Indian Journals.com that develops online version and makes it available on famous research portals like - Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF - 5.494), Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, I2OR, ESJI, J-Gate, IIJIF and ISRA-JIF. Each research article of the journal has a DOI number also.
BULMIM Journal of Management and Research
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavansusha And Lakshmi Mittal Institute Of Management
e-ISSN: 2455-3298
Journal DOI: 10.5958/2455-3298.2016
Issues/Year: 2
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Published in: January, July
Current Volume
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