The Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy is an official international journal of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy. It is a peer reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to publish high quality original research articles in biotechnology and pharmacy. The journal will accept contributions from all areas of biotechnology and pharmacy including plant, animal, industrial, microbial, medical, pharmaceutical and analytical biotechnologies, immunology, proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics and different areas in pharmacy such as, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharma analysis and pharmacognosy. In addition to the original research papers, review articles in the above mentioned fields will also be considered.
Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Association Of Biotechnology And Pharmacy
p-ISSN: 0973-8916
e-ISSN: 2230-7303
Journal DOI: 10.5530/ctbp.2020
Issues/Year: 4
Frequency: Quarterly
Published in: March, June, September, December
Current Volume
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