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Browse Publisher (NEW DELHI CENTRE World Water Council)

The New Delhi Centre of World Water Council (NDC-WWC) is a Registered Society for professionals involved with the development and management of water sector, including the policy issues. To focus on region specific issues, the WWC has set up centres in Montreal, Canada; Cairo, Egypt; Bari, Italy; and New Delhi. NDC-WWC located at CBIP office has the following aims and objects:

To identify critical water issues in river basins and countries on the basis of ongoing and proposed assessments; To raise awareness about such issues at all levels of decision-making, and amongst stakeholders; To provide a forum for development of a common strategic vision on integrated water resources development and management on a sustainable basis, and to promote the implementation of effective policies and strategies in the region; to facilitate generation of relevant information through institutions for use by decision-makers to attain sustainable water resources development and management, with due consideration for socio-economic and environmental goals; to contribute to the resolution of issues related to shared and trans-boundary waters; to attract for the World Water Council, more members from the region; to interact with national and international organizations whose activities are analogous to those of WWC; to establish contacts with individuals and organisations in countries of the region with a view to exchanging publications and information on water resources; to publish technical literature and to contribute information on different aspects of water resources development and management; and to organize/conduct symposia, seminars, conferences, workshops, training courses at national and international level;

An important current activity of the New Delhi Centre is the organization of a brainstorming session every month beginning May 2001. So far, 68 Brainstorming Sessions have been organized to deliberate on policy issues relating to sustainable and integrated development of water resources. Each of the brainstorming meets has been attended by more than 30 water professionals. An officer/institution interested in the activities of NDC-WWC/WWC can thus professionally benefit by becoming individual/institutional member of the centre and contribute to the activities of the association/council by participating in meetings, Forum and annual meetings for interaction and exchange of experiences.

NDC-WWC Secretariat
C/o CBIP Building, Plot No.4, Institutional Area
Off Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110 021
(Phone: 011-2611 5984, 2611 6567; Fax: 011-2611 6347
E-mail: cbip@nda.vsnl.net.in; Web: www.cbip.org

Open Access
No. of publication(s) available for this publisher: 1
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