ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year 2017, Volume-7, Issue-6 (June)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780 Table of contents A comparative study of service quality in selected public, private and foreign banks in Hyderabad city Vaishali Pagaria, Prof. B A Prajapati Revamping of social security legislations in the milieu of globalization G Asha, Dr. P S Lekshmi Bhai, S Nayana An approach of gifted students: Learning styles Dr. Madhuri Hooda, Ms. Anita Devi Analytical study of draft red herring prospectus-drhp (with reference to DRHP of National stock exchange of India Ltd. dated December 28, 2016) Ms. Varsha D. Kshirsagar, Dr. Ravi S. Ahuja Preference of students toward smartphone in Chandigarh university Sheenu Gupta Social exclusion of females a case study of kurukshetra and Ambala districts Dr. Rajani Sharma, Kritika Sharma Top |
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