External factors and its role in the convergence of the ECO Shahriari Abdolreza Research Scholar, DOS in History, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore - 57006 Abstract After formation of the United Nations Conference of Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on 23rd March 1964 and determination of 1960s as the decade of development, in order to improve their internal situations, developing countries came to take part in regional cooperation. Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) in June 1964 was formed by membership of three countries of Iran, Turkey and Pakistan. After suspension of RCD, the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was formed in 1985 between the three countries so that it could improve economic and social conditions of the region. At present, this organization with its 10 members among the countries of the region has not yet been so successful in achieving its objectives. Therefore this research, in terms of its subject, will deal with study of the main reasons for lack of integration between ECO members. This problem will be looked upon through this perspective that foreign powers have played roles and been influential in both economic as well as political aspects. Top Keywords ECO, regional integration, foreign powers. Top | |
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