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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 5
First page : ( 15) Last page : ( 28)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

An empirical study on hrd climate and its impact on job performance in private insurance companies in Odisha

Dr. Mohanty Birajit*, Ms. Susmitaparija**, Mr. Ghansyamsahu***

*Assistant Professor, Amity Business School, Bhubaneswar - 7501013, Odisha, India

**Senior Lecturer, Centre for IT Education, Bhubaneswar - 751001, Odisha, India

***Research Associate, Amity Business School, Bhubaneswar - 7501013, Odisha, India


The Insurance sector today is a growing and evolving one. Being a service industry it, is highly dependent on the competencies of the employees. Therefore it is relevant to study the impact of HRD climate on the job performance of the employees working in the insurance companies. A congenial HRD climate is essential for sharpening competencies as well as motivating employees to perform exceptionally. For the purpose of the study a 38-item questionnaire on HRD climate, developed by T.V.Rao and E.Abraham was adopted for seeking the responses from the sample. A comparative analysis between the three components of HRD climate, i.e the General climate, HRD mechanism and the OCTAPAC culture was conducted using statistical measures like mean score, standard deviation and co-variance. The effect of HRD climate on HRD outcomes was established. The Job performance was studied using seven variables in a five point rating scale. An Alpha Cronbach’s reliability test was conducted, which showed high internal consistency based on average inter-item correlation.It was found that the HRD mechanism was more conducive than the General climate and OCTAPAC culture.The findings also proved that four important HRD outcomes like motivation of employee commitment responsiveness and job satisfaction were high in the prevailing HRD climate.To study the impact of HRD climate on job performance, a regression analysis was performed.It was concluded that HRD climate was good in the private insurance sector in Odisha and has a positive influence on job performance of the employees of private insurance companies in Odisha.However the impact of HRD climate on job performance can further be strengthened by augmenting the attention of management on employee development and having more effective reward management system and a better psychological climate.



General climate, HRD mechanism, OCTAPAC culture, HRD climate, HRD outcomes, Job performance.


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