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ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-8 (August)
Online ISSN : 2249-8826

Table of contents

Dominant exploratory factors of consumer purchase behaviour of passenger cars
Balakrishnan Menon, Dr. Jagathy Raj V.P

The impact of indian foreign trade policy (2009–14) on export in textile industry
Arvind Ramachandra Gajakosh

Profit analysis of scheduled commercial banks in India
Dr. R.K. Uppal, Amit Juneja

A perspective of India's competitive advantage in foreign trade
Dr. Rajeswari Mahankali

Screening credit card applicants using discriminant analysis
Ms. Rachana K Raval, Dr. N.D. Shah

Financial derivatives market in India – current scenerio & growth
Ms. Parul Mittal

FDI in Indian retail industry – challenges and opportunities
Dr. Sarita Bahl

Children's in TV commercial's: review of pharmaceuticals and health advertisements
Dr. Sanjay Hooda, Sandeep Aggarwal

Job satisfaction of managers and engineers a case study in UAE
Sushma S. Maurya

FM radio – an untapped opportunity for green advertising
C. Rajalakshmi, Dr. R. Senapathi

Golden glitters in human resources offsetting the employees greif's
Parul Marwah Gupta

Role of tourism in India's economic development
Sneha Chaudhry

Existing industrial relation issue in India: An overview
Dr. Mallikarjuna N L

Regional imbalance in India: A statewise analysis
Dr. Someshwar Narayan Babar

A study on labour conditions in the shoe industry of Agra
Deepti Pachauri

Stress management – role of organisations and individuals
M. Saravanan

Global competitiveness of medical tourism in India
Subhash Sharma

Comparative study of components of external borrowing between India and China
Dr. Shobana Nelasco

Internal business risk -Indian manufacturing corporate sector
R. Renuga

An analytical scrutiny on awareness of fringe benefits offered to credit card holders in coimbatore city
Dr. R. Karuppasamy, Ms. S. Lakshmipriya

A study of current scenario of supply chain management practices in manufacturing industries in satara M.I.D.C
Mr. Santosh B. Chavan, Mr. Shailesh H. Ghorpade, Mr. Ganesh Pandit Pathak

Exploring factors influencing customers’ satisfaction in Indian fast food industry
Vinay Chauhan, Sandeep Singh Chib


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