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ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 190) Last page : ( 196)
Online ISSN : 2249-8826.

Digital matketing: A new buzz word

Ms. Munshi Anupama*, Ms. Munshi Sulekha**

*Assistant Professor, JIMS, New Delhi

**Assistant Professor, BCIPS, New Delhi.


Even a decade back, business was more about traditional practices being implemented. The better business houses were able to implement orthodox techniques, better were the chances of being noticed in the crowd. But, here we’re today. India has come a long way from the time it relied on the US and greater parts of Europe for commercial assistance. Today, monotonous marketing and advertising techniques have given way to digital marketing. Now, India is being eyed as a forthcoming ‘superpower’ in the world of social media, especially when its being used for brand marketing and promotion. Digital marketing in India has been instrumental in helping the country’s economy revive itself, especially after it tolerated recession for over a year. This paper will investigate how successfully organisations are utilising the new opportunities available to them, what different strategies digital marketing works on and above all will try to differentiate between tradition way of marketing with digital marketing.



Internet, Digital Marketing, Social Media.


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