Workplace harassment – influence of demographic and workplace factors Sridar S. Preetham*, Dr. Kennedy Vijila** *Head, Department of Management studies, RVS College of Engineering & Technology, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore – 641402 Tamilnadu, India. **Director, KCT Business School, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. Abstract Harassment of women nurses is a serious issue that needs immediate attention. Even though the evil effects of harassment is known, there is silence from those concerned. The main aim of the article is to find out the factors that influence harassment in the workplace. The study was conducted among women nurses employed in hospitals located in the city of Coimbatore. Primary data was collected through questionnaire and the results of the study would provide useful insights. Top Keywords Demographic factors, Harassment, Women nurses, Workplace, Workplace factors. Top |