Identifying the entrepreneurship competencies effective in commercialization of technology a case study of nanotechnology businesses Safari Saeed*, Khalilzade Marziyeh**, Mobaraki Mohammad-Hassan*** *Assistant Professor, Faculty of Accounting and Management. **Entrepreneurship MA Student, Tehran University. ***Assistant Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Tehran University. Abstract Today, organizations around the globe are facing different threads as a result of globalization endangering their survival. Intense competition and technological advancements has put increasing pressure on businesses leading knowledge-based businesses to rely more on human resources (HR). These businesses, as a result, are trying to increase the profitability of their HRs. Businesses, and particularly entrepreneurs, active in competitive environments has come to the fact that competency of the entrepreuner has an increasing importance. The adaptation and instant development of competency-oriented approaches and, more than anything, applying it to development programs, are the advantages of these approaches. The main purpose of this research is the identification of the competencies of entrepreuners effective in the commercialization of nanotechnology businesses. The present paper particulary aims at investigating the nature of competencies possessed by the enrepreuners of nanotechnology businesses. The identification of effective competencies of nanotechnology entrepreneurs might be helpful in planning effective policies to promote the commercialization of the technology. Accordingly, using the related literatures at hand, we have tried to develop a proper framework for conducting this research. Afterwards, the research framework was designed using the data gathered from the case study and also from the interviews. The data was used to design the questionnaire. The analysis of the data shows that competency has three dimensions including awareness, knowledge and skill. The results obtained from the questionairre and the interviews shows that the knowledge dimension includes 4 criteria and 11 sub-criteria, awareness 4 criteria and 27 sub-criteria and the dimension of skill includes 3 criteria nd 27 sub-criteria. In the quantitative stage, the sample population of the study were selected from the managers and employees having expertise in nano businesses. Simple sampling was used as the sampling method for the study. The instrument used for gathering the data was questionnaires and the validity of the research was measured using experts in the qualitative stage. The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha as equal to 82%. Mean and Friedman test was, respectively, used to analysis the data and then confirmation and ranking the criteria. Top Keywords entrepreneurial competencies, commercialization of technology, nanotechnology businesses. Top |