Indian telecom market in transitive economy: A comparative study on buying behaviour of rural and urban buyers on mobile phone Akarte Aniruddha*, Dr. Arora Amishi** *Lecturer, Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur **Director, Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. Abstract Telecom industry in India has witnessed double digit growth in past ten years. The mobile market in rural India has significant potential with number of subscribers anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 35% during FY 2012 - FY 2014. To make the most of the enormous potential of rural market in India, companies need to develop specific marketing strategies and action plan for the rural market. This study is an attempt to understand different aspects of rural consumer behaviour on buying of mobile phones and compare that with urban buying behaviour. The study is conducted in Vidarbha region of India. Top Keywords Telecom, Rural Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Rural Buying Behavior. Top | |
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