The impact of service quality on customer swicthing in telecommunication industry Jaffna district, Srilanka V Kumaradeepan. Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Abstract Services are rapidly growing into a major contributor to the Sri Lankan as well as the world economy, providing an ever increasing proportion to their GDPs. In this no exaggeration, then to say, that will be the key to long term economic success. As such as, it is essential stage to study why customers switch service providers. Such analysis would helpful to guide to actions that must be taken by the service provider to retain it’s predict customers. The purpose of this study was to find out why customers switch producers in telecommunication industry in Sri Lanka. The objective of this study is to find out how the variable service quality will leads on customers switching. Telecommunication industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in Sri Lankan Service industry. There are Five major industries available in targeted areas. Primary data were collected from the customers through well designed questionnaires. Also focus group discussion and some of interview taken placed to justify the findings. Targeted area is Jaffna district and sample size is 300 questionnaires. Interview and focus group discussion have taken place to find out the influences on purchasing. Hypothesis has formed as perceived higher level of service quality negatively correlated switching behavior. Collected data has analyzed by quantitative techniques and Ms excel sheet used to interpretation. It has found out there is a negative relationship between Service quality and customer switching the producers. Also results expressed that agreed level of service quality would increase customer satisfaction leads to less level of switching the same producer. But it can be seen that there are some more factors are influencing in customer switching behavior. Future researches have highlighted as to study additional variable such as reliability, empathy, tangibility affect switching behavior. Top Keywords Service quality, switching, telecommunication. Top | |
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