Investigating the issues and challenges in global distribution of chemicals Mandal Santanu Doctoral Research Scholar, Faculty of Operations, IBS, Hyderabad. Abstract Due to the increased globalization and innovative technologies helping in more and more efficient and timely distribution of intermediate products, there has been a tremendous boost in the existing competition between firms to apply newer and innovative solutions to their tactical as well as strategic problems involved in the distribution of their products. Logistics i.e., the movement of goods across the various points of their supply chain or the distribution network have always been the focal point of experimentation of application of innovative strategies by the firms so as to gain sustainable competitive advantage. The advent of IT has opened newer ways and routes of distribution by enhanced information sharing thereby promoting trust and mutual cooperation for maintaining an efficient distribution network. Now chemical handling has always been a critical activity at various junctions of the distribution network. Proper knowledge of handling coupled with emergency safety procedures are of utmost importance in any chemical distribution network. Two issues are crucial nowadays (a) managing different forms of risk arising out of absence of trust, lack of communication and other similar factors and (b)designing and implementing sustainable practices across the distribution network. So in this purview, this paper makes an attempt to review the various issues and challenges involved in the global distribution of chemicals. Top Keywords Chemical handling, Risk Management, Sustainable Practices, Global Distribution. Top | |
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