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Water and Energy International
Year : 2023, Volume : 66r, Issue : 6
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 34)
Print ISSN : 0974-4207. Online ISSN : 0974-4711.

Digitization of Hydroelectric Projects in India : Need of the Hour

Bhavsar Sushant1, Dr. Potnis Sandeep2

1Research Student, MIT World Peace University, Pune, Maharashtra

2Professor, Head of Department Tunnel Engineering, MIT World Peace University, Pune, Maharashtra

Online Published on 13 October, 2023.


As an emerging technology, BIM offers a solution to the problems related to construction supervision, information dispersal, and personnel management. The process of building information modelling (BIM) produces a 3D visualization and coordinates the planning, design, estimating, and scheduling processes involved in tunnel engineering. (BIM) Building Information Modelling is making progress in India and globally for several reasons, including skepticism, acceptance, and leveraging its potential. For this growth to succeed, the construction operations resulting from this growth must be planned, scheduled, designed, and controlled for information purposes. We will require a strong framework, complex design communication, project coordination, documentation, and strong technical tools to implement these criteria effectively, for example, in a Hydropower project as it is the most complex project in tunnelling. BIM is well suited as the first piece of a comprehensive framework that will contribute considerably to meeting the requirements of the construction industry in India because this industry has huge needs that BIM could help address.



Underground, BIM in India, Utilization of BIM Globally, Dimensions, LOD, Hydro-tunnel.


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