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Message from Publisher and Editor-In-Chief

Genesis of Terror and Destruction

During the last few decades the market economies have been rushed along the path of ‘Armament Protected Consumerism’. Arms are required to control the flow of energy, other resources and the global markets. But they are also meant to protect the beneficiaries of these policies from the mounting anger of the ever more numerous victims of inequity and consequent deprivation worldwide. Increasingly, scientific efforts and financial resources are being diverted towards the production of a wide variety of weapons of rising lethality. During the last few decades, this activity has increased exponentially in the United States and some allied countries.

These sustained trends towards perfecting the instruments of world domination reflect neo-imperialist policies, planned and promoted by the neo-conservatives. This entire process was christened a ‘Plan for the New American Century’. Its guidelines outline a resolve not to allow other countries of the world, individually or collectively, to be in a position to resist. This involves a broad range of covert and overt activities as well as weapons designed to target the full spectrum of human vulnerabilities. Through a strategy of tension and the exercise of ‘megapower’, nation after nation could be made to submit, by ‘shock and awe’ and under threats of social subversion. The aggressive intent of these polities can be assessed from the scale, scope and lethality of weapons being developed. Some are:

  • Space Weapons-using space satellites for espionage and also for weather manipulation; to trigger rains, floods, drought, cyclones; to keep the planet under a ‘death ray’ threat and to bring every inch of the globe within the striking range of American fire power.
  • Political weapons include multi-coloured revolutions, to some regime changes, fostered insurgencies and instigation of ethnic and religious conflicts, build up of NGOs to infiltrate the social system, multiple intelligence networks, corruption of political processes and personalities and above all terrorism, as an instrument of policy.
  • Biological weapons-creating diseases for genocide, to destroy large populations and break the will of countries as part of psychological warfare. It is believed that many epidemic diseases are being considered for use as weapons of mass destruction. Some scientists assert that there are more than 150 such biological agents under investigation worldwide.
  • Chemical weapons-a wide variety, including poisonous gases for physical and psychic incapacitation and the likes of Agent Orange, which was extensively sprayed in Vietnam to destroy the production capacity of the land.
  • Nuclear weapons- already employed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, are being readied for ‘pre-emptive’ strikes. Depleted uranium is being used for the manufacture of deep penetration bombs, ‘bunker-busters’ spreading radiation within a wide radius.
  • Tectonic weapons-to create earthquakes and the resulting tsunamis are being recklessly developed by certain nations.
  • Space weapons-there is an entire range of research going on in secrecy since several decades by some political/industrial formations within some countries to create weapons related to the UFO technologies. The details are becoming increasingly manifest.
  • Genetic weapons-many of these are under investigation. Specific gene type sequencing is being researched so as to target specific ethnic group while sparing, presumably, those to which the ruling elites predominantly belong.
  • Computer controlled robots-based on nano-technologies are also being developed to replace humans in the killing game. Electronic mind control, psycho-acoustic, optical and visual effects are all being operationalised in the belief that some of them will work.
  • All these weapons and some other not listed here spell out a death sentence for all those peoples and nations globally, who do not work for the glorification of this new insanity. Hundreds of billions of US dollars are being channeled through the system or laundered through illegal means to sustain massive programmes of that type.
  • The nature and size of these activities have generated a terror-psychosis, while triggering or arms race of global magnitude for self protection. We are witnessing today desperate attempts to maintain unipolar control over the instruments of world domination. But the nuclear and missile defence shields being offered to submissive allies are being rapidly made obsolete by the development of multi-launch supersonic missiles and warheads.
  • It is time for responsible leaders and for civil society worldwide to take note of these developments, which are enmeshing the planet in a cobweb of fear through a strategy of tension and deception. The entire process is built on the illusion that the new technologies will help control the world, by breaking it up into pliable corrupt client-states enforcing unsustainable ‘Armament Protected’ Consumeristic social systems. These weaponised dreams are bringing the international system to the verge of break-down and chaos, leaving to future generations the effects of these weapons: mass destruction, a polluted environment and stories about the new gods of the genesis of terror and devastation cutting short the process of evolution and creativity.
New Delhi
December 2005J C Kapur
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