VIDHIGYA: The Journal of Legal Awareness
Year 2010, Volume-5, Issue-1and2 (January–December)
Print ISSN : 0973-3825
Online ISSN : 0974-4533 Table of contents Editorial Dr. Masoom Raza Role of DNA in crime investigation-some pros and cons Rattan Singh, Priyanka Arora Emerging legal issues in biological diversity and traditional knowledge with special reference to India Shiv Ram Pandey, Pushp Raj, Malay Adhikari Cyber crimes - Emerging challenges Shailendra K. Sharma, Maneela Litigation in medical practices: Civil and criminal implications Sanjay Kumar Singh Protection of women's rights under international law Ajay Kumar Singh Justice delayed is justice denied Chittaranjan Mohanty Judicial review on patent Nilamani Das Globalisation and intellectual property legislation in India: Protection of TK and plant variety protection Ruchi Pant Environmental problems: A bane for the society Ved Pal Singh Deswal Reparative justice for rape victims in India Dipa Dube Information technology act & cyber crimes: A perspective Qazi Nadeem Alam, Khalid Shamim Drug policy of Indian pharmaceutical companies: Legal issues and challenges Simmi Khurana, M.L. Gupta Right to education for women: Myth or reality Meeta Agarwal, Priti Saxena How does the new form of business organization-the limited liability partnership differ from the traditional partnership: A critical analysis Siddh Nath Top |