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Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness
Year : 2009, Volume : 4, Issue : 2

Print ISSN : 0973-3825.

Legal framework in India regarding victims of terrorism: a critical study

Deep Anurag, Lecturer

Department of Law, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, UP.


The menace of terrorism is no more endemic1. In last ten years it has become pandemic2 in nature. Terrorism has been responded by great many ways but, victims of terrorism did not attract the attention it deserved. While there are thirteen international conventions on terrorism, victims of terrorism could not draw one such convention. It seems that the world has heard more voices of terrorists than victims of terrorism. Globally speaking, there have only been casual references on rights of victims of terrorism baring a few distinguished exceptions. This paper aims at exploring legal principle for victims of terrorism in India. In Indian law there are provisions for victims of crime but not exclusively for victims of terrorism. Fortunately few members of Indian parliament are expressing their concern since 1990 by introducing Bills for victims of terrorism. The Victims of Terrorism (Compensation And Rehabilitation) Bill, 2004 and Dependents of Victims of Naxalite and other Terrorism (Compensation, Rehabilitation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2005 are examples. Unfortunately none could be distilled into legislation. Though there are more bills introduced or pending or lapsed the feasibility of only two bills have been examined in this paper.



Terrorism, Victims of Terrorism, Legel Framework.


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