Protection of traditional knowledge in India: some issues Siddiqui Shakeel Ahmad, Director, Bhatnagar Yuvraj, Dean Sunder Deep College of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, UP. Abstract Traditional Knowledge (TK) is a collectively owned property and is integral to the cultural or spiritual identity of the social group in which it operates and is preserved. Traditional Knowledge is now at the centre of the discussions on intellectual property rights and has assumed immense significance. The paper attempts to trace the legal protection that should be accorded to traditional knowledge in India. India does not have any specific legislation for protecting traditional knowledge. But the Patents Act, Plant Variety Protection and Farmers Rights Act, Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 have provisions that can be utilized for protecting traditional knowledge. Top Keywords Knowledge Management, Traditional Knowledge, Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPS Regime. Top | |
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