INDIAN POLICE: Insensitive Towards Human Rights Kumar Shashi, Sr. Lecturer Deptt. Of Human Rights, School for Legal Studies, B.B.Ambedkar University, Luknow-226025. Abstract In democratic society, Police play an important role in prevention of crime and maintenance of law and order. Besides this police have another role in preservation of human rights and safeguarding the interest of weaker section of the society in order to justify the notion of welfare state in a democratic country like India. However, over the years, Indian Police while performing its administration of criminal justice process in the country have also earned some bad name due to showing its disrespect to human rights norms. Police atrocities and violation human rights become the common feature with image of Indian police. Insensitive behaviour of police towards human rights also causes the loosing of public trust on police. Therefore there is need to reform the Indian police administration to meet the new challenges and to orient the police behaviour and more human rights sensitivity. Top Keywords Indian Police, Human Rights, Criminal Justice System, Insensitivity. Top | |
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