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Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness
Year : 2009, Volume : 4, Issue : 2

Print ISSN : 0973-3825.

A study on the coverage of women related offences in the Indian Mainstream Media

Neelamalar M., Lecturer

Department of Media Sciences, Anna University, Chennai.


We live in a society dominated by the media. They influence attitudes, prejudices and people's capacity to act. The information and images brought into our homes each and every day go a long way towards shaping our understanding of the world and life surrounded by cultural ethnic and religious diversity. And the media's ability to influence is growing all the time as the speed of communication increases. Print media being the most traditional media has a valuable role to play in providing information and news to the people. Different laws and ethics have evolved from the birth of the print media in India for explicit purpose of protecting the media and at the same time controlling it. Reporting for a newspaper is considered as an art. Each issue is analyzed from a different approach. This study aims to analyze how an offence or crime related to women is being reported in the media. The level of awareness of the law created by the newspapers, ethical concerns, the importance given to the crime news and the way it has been reported has been implored by this study by analyzing the content. News reporting of violence reflects neither the ‘reality’ of the occurrence of violence nor the portrayal of violence in official statistics. The analysis of all reports of violence in four newspapers over months illuminates the processes of selection, and the ways in which the news media promulgate and naturalize gender in the daily reporting of violence.



Media, Crime News, Women, Portrayal.


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