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Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness
Year : 2009, Volume : 4, Issue : 2

Print ISSN : 0973-3825.

Sustainable development and legal awareness: problems and issues

Nasreen Nakhat, Reader

Department of Education, A.M.U., Aligarh, UP.


Sustainability has emerged as a new challenge before the entire humanity. The challenge before us is to reduce disparity through capacity building and providing the poor and dispossessed access to the knowledge and resources needed for meaningful life. Sustainability, in a general sense is the capacity to maintain a certain state or process continuous or indefinite. In the context of development, sustainability means progress without compromising with the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development is a long-term process, a continuous process and it cannot be achieved in the short turn. For India, the concept of environmental conservation and sustainable development is not a new one. India has taken an active part in global efforts to tackle environmental problems. A number of laws have been constituted by the Indian Government to combat with the increasing environmental problems. No doubt Indian Judiciary is playing active role in implementing the doctrine of sustainable development, but only a handful of people are legally aware of the environmental laws and majority of them are ignorant. Thus only formulating laws will not solve the problems unless the people are made aware of their rights to enjoy and live a wholesome environment. There is a need to mobilize various means and resources. In this progressive effort, one should not forget the important roles of mass-media, N.G.Os, other private bodies, local government and never the least the role of educational institutions.


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