Right to safe drinking water vs. right to health -the contours of water right and water right management in India Misra Preeti*, Lecturer, Chantia Alok**, Lecturer * Dept of Human Rights, School for Legal Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, U.P. ** Dept. of Anthropology, Sri J.N.P.G. College, Lucknow, U.P. Abstract As the longest Constitution of the world, the Indian Legal Epic protects human being by providing many safeguards in the form of human rights. Amongst all Article 14 which encompasses an idea that ‘every body is equal before law’ shows an indirect accessibility to natural resources without any discrimination on the ground of race, sex, caste, creed, place of birth etc. Whereas Article 21 explains right to life in multi dimensional terms including right to safe drinking water. In India more than 6 lakhs villages are reeling under the acute crisis of water what to say of pure drinking water. Right to water does not mean merely availability of water but of standard quality so as to ensure healthy life of an individual. In India every year 30,000 children die from water borne diseases as many contaminating materials dilute water rights of Indians. In the present paper a study has been made to assess the impact and effectiveness of rights provided under Indian Constitution and in other statutory documents with regard to water. An attempt has also been made to suggest measures to ensure water rights to all Indians. Top Keywords Right to health, Water Right, Safe Drinking. Top |