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Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness
Year : 2009, Volume : 4, Issue : 1

Print ISSN : 0973-3825.

Surrogate Mother Hood in India: a legal vacum

Mishra Praveen, Senior Lecturer & Associate Editor -Vidhigya

Integrated School of Law, Ghaziabad, UP.


Surrogacy arrangement is a facet of a medical advancement that has extended the ability to procreate to persons who might not otherwise be able to have children and allows every parent to contribute, both genetically and socially, to our collective understanding of the concept of family. The ethical and legal implications of adopting surrogacy for human reproduction have engendered substantial debate on the issue of Assisted Reproductive Technique.The Paper discusses the philosophy of surrogacy arrange in the context of Indian social legal backdrop.



Surrogate, Mother Hood.


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