Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness Year 2006, Volume-1, Issue-2 (July–December) Print ISSN : 0973-3825
Table of contents
EditorialDr Surendra Kumar
Marine pollution, human health and the lawS.K. Singh
Classical dilemma of office of profit and political stakesZaheeruddin
Globalisation of legal profession: A universalistic approachSunil Deshta, Lalit Dadwal
Laws governing the cyberspace – A special reference to IndiaRishi Chawla
Intellectual property rights and agriculture: Interplay and implications for IndiaSmrutirekha Mohanty
Exploring legal information through www: A studyMonawwer Eqbal
Economics of arbitrationKumar Uday, M.V. Pratap Kumar
Diamond V. Chakarbarty: Patently unfair?Dyutimoy Mukherjee
Conservation and management of wetland: A critical reiview of east Kolkata and it's wetlandAnunoy Basu, Arka Majumdar
Violation of rights of persons in custody: With special reference to custodial deathNirajan Man Singh, Prashant Roy
Words and phrases