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Guidelines for Contributors

Submission of a manuscript for “Vidhigya- The Journal of Legal Awareness” Should be the original work of the author(s). Author(s) is/are required transferring the copyright of the manuscript to the publisher for publishing in the journal. The publisher holds copyright of the manuscript unless otherwise not communicated. It further implies that the manuscript submitted has neither published nor been kept under consideration for publication. Provide the list of reference at the end of the paper in sequence as per the guidelines and the examples suggested. The reference guidelines for the author(s) are provided below according to “The Harvard Reference System” (also known as the author-date system) of citing other works.


Surname, initials. (year of publication), Title of book in italic, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, pp. reference page.

Example: Patton, M.Q. (1990), Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods, 2nd ed., Sage, Newbury Park, pp. 111-24.

A Chapter From An Edited Book

Surname, initials. (year of publication) “Title of chapter” in Editor surname, initials (Ed.), Title of the book in italic, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Chapter page numbers.

Example: Gupta, T.N. (2009), “Role of ITC to elevate teacher education”, in Agarwal, N. (Ed.), Paradigm Shift in Teacher Education, Vayu Education of India, New Delhi, pp. 29-32.

A Translated Work

Surname, initials. (year of publication), Title of Book, Edition, Translated by Translator name, initials., Publisher, Place of publication.

Example: Bourdieu, P. (1977), Outline of a Theory of Practice, translated by Nice, R., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Journal Articles

Surname, initials. (year of publication), “Article title”, Journal Title in italic, Volume number, Issue number (if it exists), Article page numbers.

Example: Eqbal, M. (2006), Exploring legal information through www: A study, Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness, Vol. 01 No. 2, pp. 45-54.

Conference Papers

Some papers may not be published in journals but may be delivered at a conference and then published as part of the proceedings of that conference, in which case, use one of the following styles as appropriate.

Example: Lodi, E., Veseley, M. and Vigen, J. (2000), “Link managers for grey literature”, New Frontiers in Grey Literature, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Grey Literature, Washington, DC, October 4-5, 1999, Grey Net, Amsterdam, pp. 116-34.

Government Or Commercial Reports

Organization name (year of publication), Title of report in italic, Publisher and place of publication. (may be same as author).

Example: European Commission (1998), Fostering Entrepreneurship in Europe: Prioritie for the Future, European Commission, Brussels.

Electronic Sources

This refers to a source which is only available electronically, and not to sources which you may have accessed electronically but which are also available in print form, such as an article from an Emerald journal accessed via the Web.

Name (year of publication) "Article title" available at: full url (accessed date).

For last two elements, please try to remember the following conventions:

  • When giving url, “http:” should only be included if the address does not include “www”
  • (accesed date) is important because of the lack of permanence of Internet site.

Example: Better Business Bureau (2001), “Third-party assurance boosts online purchasing”, available at: http://bbbonline.org/about/press/2001/101701.asp (accessed 7 January 2002).

Example: Ballantyne, D. (2000), “Dialogue and knowledge generation: two sides of the same coin in relationship marketing”, paper presented at the 2nd WWW Conference on Relationship Marketing, November 1999 February 2000, Monash University and MCB University Press, available at: www.mcb.co.uk/services/conferen/nov99/rm/paper3.html.

Electronic Journal

Surname, initials. (year of publication), “Article title”, Journal Title Volume number Issue number, Article page numbers, Available at: url (accessed date)

Example: Swaminathan, V., Lepkoswka-White, E. and Rao, B.P. (1999), “Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange”, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 5 No. 2, available at: www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2/

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