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Dr Latika Gupta

Chief Editor

Dr K K Mittal
Director Academic,
Integrated School of Law,
Ghaziabad, UP, India

Associate Editors

Dr Pushp Raj
Integrated School of Law,
Ghaziabad, UP, India

Mr Dinesh Kumar
Assistant Professor,
Integrated School of Law,
Ghaziabad, UP, India

Ms. Honey Singh
Assistant Professor,
Integrated School of Law,
Ghaziabad, UP, India

Managing Editor

Dr Rama Krushna Charan Patro
INMANTEC Institutions,
Ghaziabad, UP, India

Assistant Managing Editor

Mr Kaluram Parihar
Assistant Librarian,
INMANTEC Institutions,
Ghaziabad, UP, India

Production Manager

Mr Jitender Sharma
Graphic Designer,
INMANTEC Institutions,
Ghaziabad, UP, India

Editorial Advisory Board

Dr Abhishek Kumar
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Law,
University of Allahabad,
Up, India
Email: abhishek4kumar@gmail.com
Prof Balraj Chauhan
Vice Chancellor,
Dharmashastra National Law University,
Jabalpur, India
Email: vc@mpdnlu.ac.in
Dr Anurag Deep
The Indian Law Institute,
Delhi, India
Email: anuragdeeplaw1@gmail.com
Prof B C Nirmal
EX-Vice Chancellor,
Ranchi, India
Email: vc@nusrlranchi.ac.in
Anup Kumar Varshney
Chief Editor,
Vidhi Sahitya Prakashan
Legislative Department,
Ministry of Law & Justice,
Government of India,
New Delhi, India
Email: anupvarshney1962@yahoo.com
Prof K P S Mahalwar
Chair Professor,
National Law University,
Delhi, India
Email: kps.mahalwar@nludelhi.ac.in
Dr Mohammad Ashraf
Professor, Faculty of Law,
Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, UP, India
Email: profashraf828@gmail.com
Dr S C Srivastava
Secretary General,
NLLA, Karkardooma,
Delhi, India
Email: info.nllaindia@gmail.com
Dr Ravinder Kumar
Assistant Professor,
University School of Law & Legal Studies,
GGSIP University,
New Delhi, India
Email: ravinderkumar10@gmail.com
Prof Preety Jain
Professor, Department of Law,
Kurukshetra University,
Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
Email: preetyjain11@yahoo.com
Prof (Dr) R K Chaubey
Head, Department of Law,
University of Allahabad,
UP, India
Email: drrkchaubey@redifmail.com
Justice Dr Vijay Laxmi
Retd. High Court Judge
Allahabad, UP, India
Email: vijayshree1771@gmail.com
Prof R K Gupta
(Ex-Head & Dean)
Director (Law)
Kurukshetra University,
Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
Email: drrkgupta49@yahoo.co.in

Reviewers Board

Prof Anjali Mittal
HOD Faculty of Law,
Meerut College,
Meerut, UP, India
Email: anjalimittallaws@gmail.com
Prof S C Gupta
HOD and EX-Dean
H. N. B. Garwal University,
Pauri, Uttarakhand, India
Email: scgupta.pauri@gmail.com
Mr Akash Anand
Asst Prof Law Faculty,
Delhi University,
Email: akashllm2011@gmail.com
Dr Sidharth Misra
Associate Professor,
University of Delhi,
Delhi, India
Email: siddhartha.jurist@gmail.com
Prof K P S Mahalwar
Chair Professor,
National Law University,
Delhi, India
Email: kps.mahalwar@nludelhi.ac.in
Prof (Dr) Anupam Jha
Law Seclor II,
Faculty of Law University of Delhi
Email: ajha@law.du.in
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