Ratio of Ray and Fusiform Initials in Some Citrus Species Khan Moin A., Ishrat M., Khan H., Siddiqui M. Badruzzaman, Bhat Saima Department of Botany, A.M.U., Aligarh–202 002 (India); Email–moin_a_Khan11@yahoo.co.in. Abstract The present paper deals with the ratio of fusiform and ray initials of some Citrus species (C. reticulata var. tangelos, C. lemon, C. sinensis, C. paradisi). The anatomical studies of the vascular cylinder revealed in tangential longitudinal plane have fusiform initials and ray initials arranged in non-storied manner like majority of dicots. It is generally believed that fusiform initials constitute more than 90% of the vascular cambium but contrary to above reports, 60% to 83% fusiform initials have been observed in different tropical tree and in certain extreme cases their proportion may fall as low as 25%. Keeping in view the above variations, the present communication aims at presenting the proportions of the fusiform initials which was found to vary between 75% to 83% in the cambial zone of presently investigated species. Top Keywords Ray initial, Citrus, histology. Top | |
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