Ratio of Ray and Fusiform Initials in Anthocephalus cadamba Miq. Bhat Saima, Ishrat M., Khan H., Siddiqui M. Badruzzaman, Khan Moin A. Department of Botany, A.M.U., Aligarh–202 002 (India); Email–saima81@rediffmail.com. Abstract This paper deals with the ratio of fusiform and ray initials in the main stem of Anthocephalus cadamba Miq. The anatomical studies of the vascular cambium revealed, in tangential longitudinal plane, the fusiform initials and ray initials arrangedin a non-storied manner like majority of dicots. It is generally believed that fusiform initials consitute more than 90% of the vascular cambium but 60% to 83% fusiform initials have been observed in different tropical tree and in certain extreme cases their proportion may fall as low as 25%. Analysis of the data obtained reveals that the fusiform cells constitute 72% mean tangential area in the cambial zone ofAnthocephalus cadamba Miq. Top Keywords Anthocephalus cadamba, cambium, histology. Top | |
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