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Author guidelines

Submission of Manuscript

Ms for publication in VEGETOS should be sent as hard copy in duplicate alongwith a copy on CD to Prof S K Bhatnagar, Chief Editor, VEGETOS, Head (Cell Biology), College of Biotechnology, S. V. P. University of Agriculture & Technology, Modipuram, Meerut 250 110, INDIA.

All authors and co-authors should be the member of S.P.R.

Online Submission

Manuscripts neatly composed in Microsoft Word & Photos in JPG format may be submitted online to drskb2000@yahoo.com or subodhbhatnagar18@gmail.com with a copy forwarded to dabrol2000@yahoo.com


MS should be neatly typed in double space on bond paper in MS Word 2000 or Adobe Page Maker 6.5/7.0 on bond paper in Times New Roman. Tables and photo plates should be on separate sheets. Figures on white art sheet and the words to be printed in italics only should be underlined. Legends should be given separately. Photoplates and figures should be of 18 x 13 cm size. Figures, graphs & photos should be submitted in original. NO PHOTOCOPIES SHALL BE ACCEPTED.

Title Page

Title of MS in block letters, Authors name(s) and address(es).

The Text

Title, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements and References should be given subsequently in 12 pt Times New Roman. The references in the test should be given as Wood and Imahori (1965), (Sharma 1965 and in the bibliography as follows :

Singh G and Rai V K (1980) Response of two Cicer arietinum L. varieties to water. Ind Ecol 7: 246-253.


The MS should be submitted in final stage of printing. To expedite printing, Gally's will be corrected in the Editor's office.


PDF file of the printed article shall be provided. The corresponding author will receive a provisional acceptance of MS. The prescribed fee towards printing and other dues should be sent to the Business Manager (SPR) within 15 days under registered cover/speed post. The fee should be remitted by cross DD only drawn in favor of SOCIETY FOR PLANT RESEARCH payable at MEERUT.

Book Review

For review, 2 copies of the book (non-refundable) are to be submitted to the Chief Editor.

Advertising Enquiries and Business Affairs : Write to the Business Manager, 204, Green Estate, Opposite S V P University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut 250 110 India.

Peer reviewed policy : All manuscripts are peer reviewed by the referees of concerned discipline and after obtaining their comments, authors are informed about the decision of editors. Editorial corrections are done as per the format of the journal. Reviewing of the manuscript is strictly confidential.

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