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Notes for Contributors


The Journal is intended to serve as vehicle to share and disseminate ideas, research and experiences driven by human values and management ethos to become more flexible (adaptive, responsive, and agile) at the level of strategy, structure, systems, people, and culture.


The journal aims to evolve broadly as a general management journal with focus on flexibility, human values and management ethos. The papers may cover one or several of ensuing areas: human values and business ethics, management ethos, service ethos, environment ethos, cultural ethos, value based management, ethical management and spiritual management. Papers that deal with search of human values and management ethos enshrined in leading world religions such as Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism and Sikhism, are particularly welcome.


The journal encourages publication of research papers, case studies, original conceptual papers/perspectives, short communications, management cases and book reviews broadly embaracing the theme of human values and management ethos. The journal also aims to cover interviews and round tables, case analysis, information about relevant conferences and seminars, educational and learning experiments and any other relevant information related with the journal theme.

Manuscript Submission

Contribution may be sent electronically to the Editor-in-Chief at giftsociety@gamil.com. Contributions in hardcopy to be sent only when requested. The hard copy and electronic files must match exactly.


All papers will ordinarily be published in English but as the journal theme is human values and management ethos, some select papers can be published in Hindi also to facilitate writing of Sanskrit verses, and retain original meaning and depth of discussion in Hindi version. However, when publishing a paper in Hindi, paper title, abstract and keywords shall be published in English as well.


The submission of papers to the journal implies that the paper is original and not submitted elsewhere for publication. Copyright for published papers will vest with copyright-holder. Authors need complete a standard publishing agreement, which will be supplied with final proofs. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce copyright material.

Reviewing Process

Each paper is reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and if it is judged relevant for publication, it is then sent to referees for double blind peer review. The papers are reviewed for relevance to flexibility, focus on human values and management ethos, originality of ideas and depth of discussion, quality of evidence, contribution, methodology, readability and organization. Based on the recommendations of the referees, the Editor-in-Chief then decides whether the paper should be accepted as it is, to be revised or not accepted. The reviewing period may span 8 – 10 weeks.

Manuscript Requirements

The Journal of GIFT School of Human Values and Management Ethos invites original articles, research-based papers, short communications and management cases on topics of current interest relating to its title theme i.e. human values and management ethos in Indian culture. Contributions should be original in nature and simultaneously not under consideration for publication anywhere else. While the editorial team based on recommendations of referees is finally responsible for selection and acceptance of papers submitted, responsibility for errors of facts and opinions expressed in them rests with authors.

Manuscripts submitted should be accompanied with an undertaking that the same has not been submitted/accepted for publication anywhere else nor it will be sent till its pendency with The Journal of Human Values & Management Ethos.

While sending contributions authors should stick to following ‘guidelines’ failing which submitted papers may not be accepted for processing till their compliance with guidelines.

Length: The length of the article should normally exceed 7,000 to 8,000 words or 20 to 25 (A-4 size) typed pages in double space.

Title: It should be concise, necessary and sufficient.

Format: First page of the paper should have the title, name and affiliation, designations, official addresses, e-mail IDs and telephone/fax numbers for each of the author(s). The first page should also have a brief biographical note about author(s) limited to 10-12 lines in a paragraph form covering qualifications and nature of academic and professional experience gained till date. Second page should begin with title of the paper, abstract covering not more than 250 words, keywords limited to six words and paper contents.

Text: Author(s) should follow British spellings throughout (programme, not program), universal ‘z’ in ‘ize’ ‘ization’ words. Capitalization to be kept minimum and made consistent. References should be embedded in text in the anthropological style. For example: (Sarkar 1987: 145). Citations should be first alphabetical and then chronological, for example, (Ahmed 1987; Sarkar 1987; Wignaraja 1960).

Single quotes to be used throughout. Double quotes should be used only within single quotes. Spellings of words in quotations should not be changed. Quotations of 45 words or more should be separated from the text and indented with one space with a line space above and below.

Tables and Figures: Tables (including graphs and figures) should have a clear description title and indication where it is to be appropriately inserted in the text. Their location in the text should be indicated as follows:

Footnote: Footnote numbering should be clearly marked and consecutively numbered in the text and notes placed at the end of the article and not at the bottom of the relevant page.

End notes: All notes should be indicated by serial numbers in the text and literatures cited should be detailed under Notes at the end of the paper bearing corresponding numbers before the references.

References: All references to be placed in the end under the heading REFERENCES in bold. Author’s name should be the same as in the original source. For more than one publication by the same author, listing to be done in chronological order, with the older item first. For more than one publication in one year by the same author, differentiation to be made using small (lower case) e.g. (1980a, 1980b).

In case of books, the author, title of the book, place of publication, publisher, date of publication and page numbers need be given in that order. In the case of articles, the author, title of article, name of the journal, volume and issue number in brackets, the year and the page numbers should be given in that order. The detailed style of referencing is to be as follows:

  • Verma, A., T. Kochan and R.D. Lansbury (ed.) (1995) Growing Asia: Changing Trends in Employment and Industrial Relations. London: Routledge.

  • Rangnekar, Sharu (1996) In the World of Corporate Managers. New Delhi: Vikas.

  • Sheth, N.R. (1997) “Some Reflections on Management and Change,” Management & Change, 1(1):5-12.

  • Gupta, Amitabh (1991) “An Empirical Study of Weak Level Efficiency in India.” M.Phil. Dissertation, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Book Reviews

Book reviews should contain name of author/editor and book reviewed, place of publication and publisher, year of publication, number of pages and price. For example: Udai Pareek, Training Instruments for Human Resources Development. New Delhi: Tata-Mcgraw Hill, 1997, xi+625pp. Rs. 595 hardbound.

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