TNNMC Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Year 2018, Volume-6, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 2322-0279
Online ISSN : 2456-6497 Table of contents Research Articles Effectiveness of risk management program on knowledge and practice on medication error among pediatric staff nurses Mrs. Zealous Mary, Dr. Padmavathi Kamaraj, Dr. Rosaline Rachel Nurses ’compliance in using modified fall risk assessment scale for newborns Ms. Reema Miriam Uthup, Ms. NesaSathya Satchi, Dr. Latha Venkatesan Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding harmful effects of junk food consumption among adolescents Dr. Sharadha Ramesh, Mrs. M. Vatchala Devi Structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding activities of daily living among mothers of cerebral palsy children Prof. Dr. Anitha Rajendra Babu, Mrs. R.K. Vanathi Effectiveness of video assisted teacing programe on knowledge regarding management of learning disability among primary school teachers Ms. Yamini Review Articles Therapeutic hypothermia in newborn with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy-A newer perspective Ms. R. Jamuna Rani, Dr. Latha Venkatesan Drug corner congenital tuberculosis Dr. C. Kavitha  Lived-In experience a child who had been sexually abused Ms. M. Vatchala Devi Cross word puzzles Dr. R. Sudha, Mrs. R. Chitra Glimpses of current affairs in child health Ms. M. Malarvizhi Top |